lördag, november 12, 2005

The Sulking Clown

I searched through all the jobsites today. About one hour later I had found exactly zero new jobs within my field. I thought there would be at least five new jobs that I could apply to and be rejected by.

No work experience.

That is all everybody seems to be looking for these days. Work experience. Kind of hard to have that when you just graduated. Doesn't matter if I would happen to be a genious with lots of new ideas. I would never get a chance to prove it.

But there is no point in sulking. It's just me and 78.000 other people with a higher education. I'm in good company.

In two weeks or so I have the good fortune to be working as a clown at an event. I'll be the sad clown sulking in the corner. After 4 1/2 years of studying I am entitled.

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