tisdag, oktober 31, 2006

Msn conversation

The conversation between truly brainwashed people....

Fia säger:
is she still not talking about ben and ethan?

Susan säger:
yeah isn't that rude?

Fia säger:
so rude
why do people do this? call you up and don't talk about ben and ethan?

Susan säger:
i don't know

Gimme a Peg Leg

"If you have a peg leg or hooks for hands then maybe its enough to simply keep on living. You know, bravely facing life with your disability. But without these things you're actually expected to make something of your life, achieve something earn a raise, wear a necktie. So if anything I'm actually the antithesis of Ahab, because if I did have a peg leg I'd quite possibly be more happy and more content and I wouldn't feel the need to chase after these creatures of the unknown." /Quagmire

I listened to them talk about their problems. They were all on the same page; hating their jobs, wishing that they could buy that dinner table set in the designer store instead of the one they ended up with from IKEA. Thinking that the biggest problem right now revolves around finding the time to go to the gym or saving money to buy things they don’t really need.

They all have houses. Pretty houses. Though they all talk about what hasn’t been done to them, the flaws and beauty marks. They talk about other houses they’ve been to. How it would be like to live like that, to have that kind of house. Bigger, better. Location.

I’m silent during this. I have nothing to add. In our apartment we can’t sit at the dinner table at the same time as we sit by the computer. We can’t be in the bathroom together at the same time. In fact once you’re inside you pracically have to walk backwards to get out again. We only have room for one couch by the TV and it’s rather small so we come up with creative ways for the both of us to be comfortable without hurting each other.

Listening to them talk about all those things they don’t have that I never even considered for myself should have made me really depressed. It should have me hate my life and my tiny tiny apartment with all its limitations. But I didn’t feel either one of these emotions. And I couldn’t figure out if it was because there really isn’t any point for me to crave these things or because I simply do not value happiness that way. In either case I actually felt lucky.

I’m happy. I have come to terms with my misery and all of its companions. I should have been the one complaining the most in this particular crowd yet I could not think of anything to nag about. I really don’t care about bookshelves or pool houses or the fact that I don’t have a special room for a large dinner table. It doesn’t strike me as important at all.

And I think I figured out why.

Since I’m such an unlucky bastard in everything that happens to me all I can do to keep the depression at bay is to look for the positive things in life. Stop and smell the roses if you may. Cause let’s face it people if I didn’t think like this I’d be one step away from jumping out from the balcony and that would just not be me. So instead of dvelving in my own misery, I find the good things in life and I focus on them.

(Dear God, I really am Ethan....)

In fact, I am probably more happy in my misery than I would have been had I really been happy. Cause then I would have had the time to focus on what I don’t have and be miserable about that.

onsdag, oktober 18, 2006

Maybe Baby

We talked the other day. He’d fallen asleep on the bed. I could hear him almost snoring in there and went in to see what was going on and to wake him up. Across the bed. Strong light straight in his face. Now that’s tired.

I love that we talk. I try to remind myself about that. I didn’t think you could do that with someone you dated. I was missing out.

“Why don’t you publish your work?” He asks.

He never asks about my writing. He accepts that there are things about me he will never get. So I am surprised.

“You could try get it published in Japan if you don’t want people you know to read it.”

“I’m not ashamed of my writing,” I explain. “And either way I don’t think that Japan is the best place for it.”

He looks at me as if he thinks I’m making excuses.

“Besides that is not why I write,” I hurry to add. “I write because I love it. If you write with the purpose of making money you’ve got it all wrong.”

“People make money from writing,” he objects.

“That was not what I meant.” I know that he knows this. He is just humoring me. “I’m just saying that the reward for writing is just that. Writing. If it becomes about money the passion, or even the soul of it, might be lost. Not everything is about money.”

“So how do you expect authors to make a living then?”

“First of all, I am not an author.” I clarify and smile at him. I think it’s cute that he thinks of me as one. “Secondly, you’ve just brought up the most interesting and maybe just the most difficult dilemma that authors have been faced with throughout time. Atwood actually devots a whole chapter to this in her book. She means that some people value a book after the number of copies that it sells and others value the book because it doesn’t sell many copies at all. Something about the artistic value of it all. I don’t strongly believe one nor the other but either way you swing in this matter one thing is very clear; You can’t make a living as an author if you don’t make money on your work.”

“I fail to see your argument against making money on your writing. It seems like that would give you more opportunaty to do what you claim you love.”

“It’s a very versatile problem. The way I look at it is that once you’ve published something there will be expectations if your work is good enough. There will be a follow up. And the follow up will be driven by money and a whole lot of pressure. Once you’ve taken that step you no longer write for yourself and the minute you make that choice it will never be the same. The magic that is writing will be lost.”

“But what if you fail? What if no one cares if you write something else ever again? What if it sucks?”

I have considered this of course, it’s not as if I am that self absorbed. Chances are that I am just like one of those people who’s been singing in the shower for ten years and had one or two people telling them that they have a wonderful voice. Then when they are standing in front of the Idol jury they are told what they really sound like and are broken down. They’ll stop singing in the shower even though it wasn’t about sounding good as much as it was about feeling good. Knowing that you suck puts a gigantic cloud over everything.

“Now that would be a whole other kind of bad.” I tell him.

“So what you’re saying is that either way you play it, you can’t win?”

“No, that’s what I am trying to tell you. I am winning. Right now. Right now I am doing it for the right reason and I’m loving every minute I’m spending with it. Why risk changing that? For anything?”

“So you’re never gonna publish it?”

He seems very dissapointed about this which is strange because I know that he has the same attitude about his music. And we have thought about publishing it but it always stops at discussing it. Somewhere along the line we realize that publishing it would mean that it would have to end and that is some scary shit.

“Maybe baby,” I smile. “Some day if it feels right.”

måndag, oktober 16, 2006

Lova Marinda

Went out to my parents house this weekend. As usual there was Lova, my sister's little daughter. She posed for the camera. I think she's starting to realize that she is a very very pretty girl :) And again, look at the eye lashes on the second picture.... amazing aren't they?

fredag, oktober 13, 2006

12 of 12: October

OK, I thought I'd finally give this a try. I have been reluctant to try it because I figured I would forget the next month, which I probably will, and I hate not being consistent. Anyway, here goes...

08:00 Coffee

Every morning has to start with coffee. Strong coffee. Actually strong Swedish coffee which is a whole other kind of strong than for instance American coffee.

If you deprive me of my coffee in the morning I will not be a happy camper.

08:30 Little Ms. Lova

I put up the photograph of my sister's little angel, Lova on the fridge. It's the one to the left, in case there was any doubt :) I never develop my digital pictures. Thank god my grandparents are still using an old fashion camera.

08:31 Lot 49

I looked through The Crying of Lot 49 while waiting for the guy at the printer to call me back on the pdf I sent them yesterday. I have a lot of comments in the books I read when I studied English. I love that. I really should be doing that with the books that I read now. Jot down my thoughts to see if I feel the same in ten years or so. Wrote my blog post on Pynchon.

14:30 Color Issues

The guy from the printer finally called at 14:30. The colors didn't work this time either. My .tiff had been CMYK:ed too many times or something. This is still sort of greek to me. I worked on the graphic. EPS. Pantone. No CMYK. Again. This time I got it right. I hope.

17:15 Ready for Party

Tried taking a picture of me all ready to go. My arms are not long enough. I couldn't get the whole dress so I just got this one of my head looking kinda big. We're invited to the House Warming party at the club and resturant Millenium in Höllviken. One of my boyfriend's closest friends is the owner.They've made some renovations so that's basically what they wanted celebrate. Anyways, this is as good as it gets these days. Lighting is everything. The possiblity of choosing which pictures of yourself you want to display means even more.

17:30 My Darling Comes Home

Not happy about the close up. Especially since the camera greets him before I do. "Do you mind?" He asks me and tries to get away from the flash. I do mind :)

17:35 The Present

We brought wine. Everyone else came with flowers. Marcus, my boyfriend's friend, appreciated our present a lot more. This is Ola trying to be creative. He'd designed the card as well but I forgott to get that angle so this is all you get to see of that.

18:30 At Millenium

It's a bit dark but this is Millenium from where we were sitting. The food was to die for. I'm spoiled that way. Almost all my boyfriend's friends that we spend time with these days are chefs so the dinner parties in general are pretty high class as far as the food is concerned. The downside of this: I'm getting fat...

19:00 A Few Good Men

From left to right: Henrik, Ola, Peder and Micke. Unfortunately I did not get a chance of taking Marcus' and Sofia's pictures. They kept running around the place fixing stuff. Micke's pregnant girlfriend and Marcus' sister were also there but they were somewhere else a the time.

19:30 Peder

Peder, Marcus brother, sitting across the table from me. For some reason we always end up talking when we're out. And he always looks at me when he notices that I'm there in a way that I can only interpret as: "Thank God! A person under 30 who can talk about something else than food and resturants..."

22:20 Going Home

We listened to a boring report on our way home. People talking about their cars. I was a little tipsy though and didn't really care. But as we pulled in to the parking lot they finally decided to play some music instead. Now that's just bad luck.

23:00 Studying

I read through the passages about RGB, CMYK and Pantone before going to bed. Had to get up early the next day and get the graphics straightened out.

torsdag, oktober 12, 2006


Certain things, it is made clear, will not be spoken aloud; certain events will
not be shown onstage; thought it is difficult to imagine, given the excesses of
the preceding acts, what these things could possibly be.

I heard on TV yesterday that Thomas Pynchon has been placed on the famous list of "could be a nobel prize winner this year". In litterature of course. That would be interesting.

When I read The Crying of Lot 49 it was a frustrating joy. My English professor in litterature looked at me and told me that he had thought of me when picking this book for the reading list.

"You'll like it", he said. "It's right down your alley."

The quote in the beginning of this post is taken from that very book and it pretty much captures the structualistic essence of it. I won't even dig in to the post-structualistic analysis because that is where I got really confused. I re read the book after having done the analysis. It made more sense the second time around, when I had all the facts, or the non facts as it seemed.

Looking back, it is by far the most interesting book I've ever read. It's the kind of book that will keep growing as you do. It has to sink in before you can enjoy it. I have it on my favorite book list here on blogger so it was obviously memorable. I might read it again, especially if he wins the prize. And maybe, if I feel brave enough, I will give some of his heavier work a try as well.

onsdag, oktober 11, 2006


There is another way of denying the fact that you've lost your touch. Read your old stuff. It's actually much more fun than cleaning your keyboard.

I went back like five years in time and found the good the bad, the ugly as well as the interesting in our old work.

The good - a lot more humor in the early stuff. Being dark and painful is all fun and game but I realized that I miss the humor. We were cracking jokes as if there was no tomorrow. Most of which are not suited to be posted in here though.

The bad - the black sheep character was (ironically enough) darker. Meaner. Edgier. Much more insulting. Much more interesting.

The ugly - spelling and grammar were not our friend. Still isn't, but we get along just fine these days.

The interesting - back then the characters smoked indoors. Ever since the ban on smoking in public places was introduced here in Sweden I've made them go out on the balcony for a cigarette. I found that very interesting cause I wasn't aware of it but looking back now I noticed that they were smoking all over the place in the early stuff.

I'm gonna read one more before I go to bed. Something about watching Russian TV in Mexico... I dunno, I don't remember this. Sounds intriguing.

tisdag, oktober 10, 2006


This summer I watched amazed how a friend of mine started building a fortress of pillows prior to bedtime up at our summer place. I looked at her as if she was pulling my leg but apparently this is what some people consider comfortable. It just had to be documented.


I've managed to kill my cactus and I realize that I might be one of few people in the world who posess this skill.

It looked strange so I went up and poked it. It fell apart.

This is the second time that happens. I don't really know what that should tell me.

lördag, oktober 07, 2006

Late Night Conversation

We brainstorm a lot over msn. New suggestions. Old suggestions. Most of them will never "see the light of day". And yesterday I saved the whole conversation for the first time ever and read it though, realizing how very disturbed we are. It was a real epiphany I tell you. I guess it is all about perspective.

Anyhow, I will call this exhibit 1:

she wants him dead so she can live with richard
I toyed with the idea of it
you did?
I killed off Tony to see how much pain I could draw from that
was it worth it?
just wasn't the same
so you brought him back to life?
yes I had ethan say something nasty and he just woke up
so in a way you could say that it was goodbye for a little while?

Susan was so inspired by this post that she decided to go ahead and post exhibit 2. Apparently, she's been saving these conversation for years. God help us all!

tisdag, oktober 03, 2006


I watched that show Kyle XY last week and I realized already after two episodes that it lacked one very important ingredience: quality. I had good reason to keep watching all thirteen episodes though.

Nick Lea.

He is getting OLD. It really had me depressed. And filled with nostalgia.

I miss the rat bastard.

Nick Lea, for those who don’t know, is the actor who played my all time favorite character Alex Krycek in The X-files. Small brilliant role. Complex and dark. Kept things interesting but didn’t get to show his face all that often. And then of course Chris Carter thought it was a good idea to kill him off somewhere in season seven (or was it eight?) and that was it for me.

I had already started to loose interest during season five but this was the last straw. Nevermind Duchovny leaving the show or the obvious drop of quality since the move from Vancouver to L.A., who cares? But they killed of Krycek! Stupid ass Carter!

Sadly though, Nick Lea isn’t a brilliant actor. And I was never one of those people who went out and got myself a Krycek clone (oh yes, they exsist... or rather existed). I wasn’t crazy. I just really thought that his character was the only good thing they had left to hold the show together. So watching him in this show that was following the trend of today where all shows have poorly thought out plotlines, two dimensional characters and bad actors, it really bummed me out. Which is why I feel it is my duty to enlighten the public (how very phily of me) to why he is the best TV character ever.

This is where I was about to insert a short video with clips of Krycek. It backfired on me for one of two reasons.

1. I couldn’t work out the technical kinks.
2. The network is down.

I believe this is what they call anticlimax. But I can post the link if anyone is even interested. I mean, this is just me being obsessive. Comes naturally to me. But in any case. I present the unbeatable (lots of puns intended) Krycek:


I seriously doubt that this is suppose to be slash so don't even go there...

Oh, and I did not make this.