onsdag, november 16, 2005

As Good as it Gets..... For Now.

I'm not exactly making a career out of this blogging. So I tried to evaluate why.

At first I contemplated that it was because I chose to write in English, which is not my native language, so that even my foregin friends could step in to my world once in a while. I haven't written English in this way in years. I used to feel quite comfortable with it. More so than with Swedish actually because it seems like it's another me than the one who lives and breaths Swedish all day long.

It probably have some to do with my insecurity with the language but I'm pretty sure that other factors play an even bigger part.

This unemployment makes me uninspired. I feel empty. And when I don't feel empty I feel like complaining because the strongest feeling that can come over me right now is one of distress and annoyance over my situation. I've never been without a job or studies before in my life. I don't like it. I need purpose in my life.

I'm hoping to snap out of this some time soon. Hopefully get a job within my field and reunite with my sparkling personality and inspiration.

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