söndag, december 31, 2006

New Years Resolutions

I make a rule to never make them. The New Years resolutions that we put up for ourself so that we can feel like failures when we cannot follow them through. So few people do. By the end of March, they stop going to the gym, have their first pizza and that one cigarette that turned into a whole package that night out with the friends. And so it starts again. After all, we are creatures of habit.

So no New Years resolutions this year either. Instead I will do what I always do and try to be a better person all through the year. Little by litte and with the right to once and a while indulge myself in the few pleasures that makes life worth living without having to feel guilty about it.

I’m not even going to promise my readers that I will try and write more in my blog. I’m not sure I will. True, it is my new job that has taken up a lot of my time, forcing me to work very long hours since it’s all so new and since I managed to step right into the launch of a new product which in itself means a lot of extra work. But it is not only that. I don’t really like writing when things are going too well. It would feel like bragging and no one likes people who brag.

No promises this year, just the hope that this year will be better than the last.

3 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Gott Nytt År! Försökte förgäves skicka ett sms till dig på nyår och jag såg att du hade försökt ringa mig (jag hade glömt ladda batteriet på mobilen). Hoppas ni hade kul. Vi hade det väldigt lugnt och jag tror jag hostade upp delar av lungorna. :) Usch för hosta! Stor kram Sletus!

Susan sa...

I have a New Years Resolution for you....how about you promising me more fixes??

Otherwise I will let Ben out of his cage...and that is not a pretty sight.

Dusina sa...

Sliten: Jag fick knappt tag på någon jag ringde under nyår. Verkade som att nätet var nere. Tråkigt att du var sjuk juh. Fast det är ju egentligen inte så spännande med nyår.

Susan: Ben is in a cage?