torsdag, augusti 17, 2006

Next station: Benville

Sometimes you just have to laugh about it. Even if it is not even remotely funny and it comes out more like the cry of a madman who's been sitting there waiting hours on end with no assurance that help would arrive.

Let the smile be your umbrella and that crap.

Yes crap.

I might be going mad. I don't know how you can tell. I asked my boyfriend, he said: "not more than usual." What does that mean?

Maybe crying would be healthier but then you're not so much mad as you are weak. I'd rather be mad than weak. People who are insane make great authors. Or mabye great authors go insane, I don't remember which.

I'd better stay in Benville instead. There everyone is a bit mad. Except for the lawyer who is just boring and who feels like one of those Ken dolls you had as a child that couldn't bend his arms. He tried to hug Barbie and he risked poking her eye out. But other than that you will feel right at home so just go right ahead and.... step right in.

1 kommentar:

Susan sa...

This is our home and this is the way it's going to stay ;)