torsdag, maj 11, 2006

Point, what Point?

I was sitting on the bus on my way downtown when I noticed a man looking straight at me. I met his eyes and he didn't look away like people ususally do when caught staring at someone. Intense glaring makes me uncomfortable however so I broke contact but noticed that the man kept staring at me.

Had I been 16, thinking that the world evolved around me, I would probably have thought that he couldn't help himself, seeing how pretty I was. Now, eleven years later, it's more leaning towards: "I must have smut somewhere on my face...." So I dove into my bag for my hand mirror and tried to see just how bad it was.

Turns out I didn't have smut on my face. It also turns out that the man is holding a white cane, indicating he was blind. I felt really bad for thinking he was creepy.

Then, two hours later, over a cup of Vanilla Nut Latte, my friend starts pondering whether or not blind people dream. According to a number of not so reliable websites I find out that they don't. At least not in images.

You're now probably thinking that if there is a point I should be getting to it shortly. Sorry to say that I have no point to make. Just making an observation.

3 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

He was actually blind - and you didn't noticed? :D Lovely!

Dusina sa...

Yes, one would think that you would be able to tell but he didn't appear at all blind until I noticed the cane.

For all I know he could be someone walking around with a cane just to get away with the staring. Which would be strange and does not sound at all plausible now when I think about it.

Anonym sa...

It's good to be you isn't it? :D