Where do these ideas even come from? I tried thinking about when it all started. It has to have been back in 1998 so it's not really ten years yet but I am still amazed over the fact that new ideas can still be developed like they do. They just pour out.
Yes yes....
And in light of not being so modest anymore I should just state that it is some pretty good stuff. I mean, after ten years you find yourself with some very interesting characters. Even when they are taking tar.
It's something about that place. Something magical. Something so brilliant you just have to experience it for yourself. It's place where ideas just bounce off the walls. Eyes are in the walls also apparently. And travelers coming out of strange looking holes... But that is a whole different story (no pun intended).
Too bad I don't have any time to write down all these amazing thoughts. I was free for one day and I am officially swamped at work. I have a new important project going on and it's taking up a lot of time. But it's all good. I get to go to Stockholm and be in charge of our role during an event that will be shown on live TV. I will try and stay rid of the cameras, wouldn't want to have my face on national TV. But I am kind of excited. Just wish I didn't have to choose between my writing and my work.