torsdag, september 06, 2007


I bought some mixed candy while at the store. It was speaking to me, I swear. I was completely drawn to it.

Resistance is futile.

Anyway so I stuffed my face full while we watched some TV earlier this evening and one of the pieces wasn't very good. So I did what I normally wouldn't do, I stopped eating and put it on my used plate.

My boyfriend realized this about ten minutes after the incident occured. He looked at the rejected hard candy on the plate and then at me with that expression on his face that lets me know that he is trying to make sense of things. Finally he blurts:

"If you wouldn't eat that piece, it has to taste God awful."

PS. I haven't had the effort to meddle with the Barcelona pictures. Maybe when things slow down at work. Yeah. Or something.

fredag, augusti 24, 2007


I just finished the whole first season. I couldn't stop. Which is strange because the first four or five episodes kind of bored me to death. And I was a little dissapointed. I mean Russel T Davies, the genious, doing science fiction. From the start that seems like a very good plan so my expectations were high.

But I am telling you, this was some good stuff (winks at Tisha). This guy knows how to build up a character and also, hot damn. That helps of course. I even enjoyed the obvious (and the not so obvious) XF references since the show did not use them to feed off for its own survival.

So for the open minded Sci Fi nerds out there. If you have the patience to watch the five or so crappy first episodes I think that you will enjoy this one.

When I get back from my weekend trip I will try and post some pictures from Barcelona. If there is time. I'm expecting an overloaded mailbox and an entire week filled with long and boring meetings when I get back to work. I will need to grow an extra limb or figure out how to put that rift back in the space continium if I'm to have time to do anything else than work.

torsdag, juli 19, 2007

Well Mr. Miller....

I've been going through some old texts, just to try and pick up some kind of inspiration. Some of it really crappy, some of it good and a few really really amazing ones. I don't know if you are allowed to say that of things you've written. I don't care. I'm glad that I am actually at a point where I can look back at things I wrote years ago and still like it.

Today I fell in love with Mr. Miller again. Then I remembered that we initially named him Jonathan, back in 1998, but that we had to rename him since we both kept picturing Jonathan Hart from that 80's show (Family Hart?) and that was very disturbing. Which really only means that we are disturbed for thinking about it...

fredag, juli 06, 2007

Tars Communicating

Fia säger:
tar you

Susan säger:
me tar you tar

Fia säger:
we tar tar

Susan säger:
yes yes

onsdag, juni 06, 2007

My Perfect Weekend

Tomorrow I'm off to Stockholm. I'll be back on Sunday evening.

My boyfriend went on his business trip last week. He left on Thuesday and came back Sunday evening. I had that entire weekend to myself and I did what I have longed to do ever since I started working. Absolutely nothing.

I ordered Chineese food on Friday and drank a bottle of wine in front of the TV and then pretty much "passed out" from the exhaustion of a very hectic week at work. The next day I drove over to the mall and just enjoyed the fact that I didn't have any time pressure at all. I didn't find anything though and instead I bought new curtains and a talbe cloth with great ambitions to redecorate the apartment.

On the way home I bought Thai food and sushi. Ate the Thai for lunch and saved the sushi for later. I had absolutely no intentions of spending any time in the kitchen.

Then, just as I started to miss him terribly, my boyfriend came home from his trip with gifts, and as any other day of the week, a lot of things to tell me about what has happened in his life.

It's very healthy to be apart sometimes and this weekend, he'll get his space while I'm off working. Thank God we're not joined to the hip.

söndag, juni 03, 2007

Words are Overrated

This will probably not be as funny in the morning but right now I can not stop laughing at this picture. For those who recognize the people in it, enjoy!

lördag, maj 26, 2007

Insert Inspiration Here

I should be writing. I actually feel like I have time to write for the first time since we came back from our creative weekend. But I am stuck. I have these thoughts in my head but they are just moments in time. Things which happen without purpose and as brilliant as they seem in my mind there is no way of expressing them without attaching a feeling to them that I can not describe.

Not at this time anyway.

I should probably just let it be. It's not like I have ever been in control of these things. Creativity does not wait for an invitation and when you want to invite it in it hardly ever comes.

We're making sashimi tonight. Or he is since I've been banned from the kitchen ever since that misfortunate... "accident". Cooking just isn't my thing.

torsdag, maj 24, 2007

Tequela and Cigarettes

I'm staying an extra day in Stockholm to spend some time with my second cousin. I called him up and invited myself to come and stay on his couch.

"We have to buy some Tequela," he says.

That's our thing. We drink Tequela. We drink Tequela and smoke too many cigarettes and by the time we pass out we've told each other all those things we don' t tell anyone else. Hopefully we drink so much we won't remember it in the morning.

söndag, maj 20, 2007

Taking Tar

Where do these ideas even come from? I tried thinking about when it all started. It has to have been back in 1998 so it's not really ten years yet but I am still amazed over the fact that new ideas can still be developed like they do. They just pour out.

Yes yes....

And in light of not being so modest anymore I should just state that it is some pretty good stuff. I mean, after ten years you find yourself with some very interesting characters. Even when they are taking tar.

It's something about that place. Something magical. Something so brilliant you just have to experience it for yourself. It's place where ideas just bounce off the walls. Eyes are in the walls also apparently. And travelers coming out of strange looking holes... But that is a whole different story (no pun intended).

Too bad I don't have any time to write down all these amazing thoughts. I was free for one day and I am officially swamped at work. I have a new important project going on and it's taking up a lot of time. But it's all good. I get to go to Stockholm and be in charge of our role during an event that will be shown on live TV. I will try and stay rid of the cameras, wouldn't want to have my face on national TV. But I am kind of excited. Just wish I didn't have to choose between my writing and my work.

onsdag, maj 16, 2007

Our Creative Weekend...

We are not suppose to talk about it. Not until we get up there. So we call each other up and realize that we have pretty much nothing else to talk about.

And it works. My head is about to explode with ideas. I have no time to write them down though and they work better in writing than when you try to explain them.

Tisha's coming with us this time. With his little friend. I think that could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship ;)