08:00 Coffee

Every morning has to start with coffee. Strong coffee. Actually strong Swedish coffee which is a whole other kind of strong than for instance American coffee.
If you deprive me of my coffee in the morning I will not be a happy camper.
08:30 Little Ms. Lova

I put up the photograph of my sister's little angel, Lova on the fridge. It's the one to the left, in case there was any doubt :) I never develop my digital pictures. Thank god my grandparents are still using an old fashion camera.
08:31 Lot 49

I looked through The Crying of Lot 49 while waiting for the guy at the printer to call me back on the pdf I sent them yesterday. I have a lot of comments in the books I read when I studied English. I love that. I really should be doing that with the books that I read now. Jot down my thoughts to see if I feel the same in ten years or so. Wrote my blog post on Pynchon.
14:30 Color Issues

The guy from the printer finally called at 14:30. The colors didn't work this time either. My .tiff had been CMYK:ed too many times or something. This is still sort of greek to me. I worked on the graphic. EPS. Pantone. No CMYK. Again. This time I got it right. I hope.
17:15 Ready for Party

Tried taking a picture of me all ready to go. My arms are not long enough. I couldn't get the whole dress so I just got this one of my head looking kinda big. We're invited to the House Warming party at the club and resturant Millenium in Höllviken. One of my boyfriend's closest friends is the owner.They've made some renovations so that's basically what they wanted celebrate. Anyways, this is as good as it gets these days. Lighting is everything. The possiblity of choosing which pictures of yourself you want to display means even more.
17:30 My Darling Comes Home

Not happy about the close up. Especially since the camera greets him before I do. "Do you mind?" He asks me and tries to get away from the flash. I do mind :)
17:35 The Present

We brought wine. Everyone else came with flowers. Marcus, my boyfriend's friend, appreciated our present a lot more. This is Ola trying to be creative. He'd designed the card as well but I forgott to get that angle so this is all you get to see of that.
18:30 At Millenium

It's a bit dark but this is Millenium from where we were sitting. The food was to die for. I'm spoiled that way. Almost all my boyfriend's friends that we spend time with these days are chefs so the dinner parties in general are pretty high class as far as the food is concerned. The downside of this: I'm getting fat...
19:00 A Few Good Men

From left to right: Henrik, Ola, Peder and Micke. Unfortunately I did not get a chance of taking Marcus' and Sofia's pictures. They kept running around the place fixing stuff. Micke's pregnant girlfriend and Marcus' sister were also there but they were somewhere else a the time.
19:30 Peder

Peder, Marcus brother, sitting across the table from me. For some reason we always end up talking when we're out. And he always looks at me when he notices that I'm there in a way that I can only interpret as: "Thank God! A person under 30 who can talk about something else than food and resturants..."
22:20 Going Home

We listened to a boring report on our way home. People talking about their cars. I was a little tipsy though and didn't really care. But as we pulled in to the parking lot they finally decided to play some music instead. Now that's just bad luck.
23:00 Studying

I read through the passages about RGB, CMYK and Pantone before going to bed. Had to get up early the next day and get the graphics straightened out.
4 kommentarer:
Awesome pics. :)
Great 12 of 12. LOVE the wrapping on the wine. Very cute. See you next month!
Vilken kul serie med bilder! Kanske man skulle testa nästa gång :) Den 12:e då.
Translation: What a fun serie of pictures! Maybe I should try it myself next time :) The 12th then.
12 bilder den 12:e i 12:e varje månad. Ganska lätt att komma ihåg. Ännu lättare att glömma när det väl ska ske.
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