torsdag, september 14, 2006

Too Late for Thoughts

It's 3:30 in the middle of the night and I am suffering from insomnia. I tried writing but I couldn't get to the point. Just mindless conversation about nothing.

Plot? We don't need no stinking plot. Right?

We should make an effort though. PWP becomes a little trite after a while. A little redundant and meaningless when you're trying to develop and grow.

Ha! Who are we kidding? This is just a drug. And we know the timeline will be revised... again. And again.

I have actually been pushing for an idea for about five years. I finally broke her down and got my way. Poking some rather big holes in the timeline. Now she is stuck in that mode along with me and we can't seem to get out. She has seen the light, that's all I have to say about that. That and Hallelulja!

After all, this is us playing God....

3 kommentarer:

Susan sa...

Not only did I see the light...I'm right in there next to you, smiling. ;)

Dusina sa...

Yes, the light is good :)

Susan sa...

With other words...Walk towards the light.