torsdag, december 29, 2005

Almost a White Christmas

Two days past Christmas it started to snow and it has ever since. It's just beautiful gazing out the window because suddenly the world seems so calm and clean. I'm getting a sensation that everything just stops in motion or at least happens slower.

We spent better part of Christmas at Bodoni where the Christmas dinner for the homeless was held this year. That is also what our documentary is about. Or rather the work behind the event and the people who make it happen. The real enthusiasts. Not at all like the fake ones that I've grown accustom to during my studies. I can't tell you what a relief it was to be able to restore my faith in human kind, especially now around Christmas.

Last night we went to see a the first Narnia movie. Here in Sweden the old series used to air in the days between Christmas and New Years Eve when I was a child so I have to say it was quite a nostalgic experience. I quite liked it, even if the religous intertextualities were too obvious to ignore. I refuse to let that ruin one of my best childhood memories.

Tomorrow we're going to start sorting through around 20 hours of raw material for our documentary. And figure out how to work with Avid. Exciting times ahead.

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