tisdag, november 28, 2006


I tried writing yesterday. I was sitting in bed and had arranged all the pillows behind me perfectly, balansing my laptop in my lap and stretching my fingers (just for show).

"Here we go!"

Empty screen, cursor blinking as if to taunt my lack of creativity. I sigh and ask myself what I need to get off my chest. There are so many ideas that it becomes hard to focus.

I start writing on something happy. Something sweet. Something that makes me smile. I get bored and stop after half a page. Save and store.

Something painful. Something dark. Something absolutely heart breaking. That requires a lot on my part. I need to feel it and I don't. Not now. So I stop before I even have a chance to start.

I have the creativity, it's just not taking form in the way that I want it to. I don't mind. This is how it goes. It will return. It always does.

onsdag, november 15, 2006

More Pain This Way Please

This msn passage just made me laugh. So sharing.

Fia says:
was I right or was I right?
I just realized... we're pathetic

Susan says:
so...how many times have you listened to it now? :D

Fia says:
about ten times :D
in a row
and you?

Susan says:
only five

Fia says:
and how are we feeling?

Susan says:
mixed emotions...I would like to experience more pain

måndag, november 13, 2006

12 of 12: November

My 12 of 12 for November. I forgott to take notes on what time I took these pictures so I will just display them in chronological order.

Puppy Exhibit

We heard about the puppy exhibit that was taking place in the exhibition hall of Malmö and of course we had to go check it out. I didn't find my favorite breed, the Lhasa Apso, which I didn't really expect to find since it isn't very common here. It was kind of hard taking pictures in there too. I deactivated my flash in respect to the dogs and puppies move around a lot so a lot of the pictures came out in a blurr.

Siberian Husky

This is my boyfriend's favorite breed. I think it is a very beautiful dog but I don't think I would want to have one in the city. It is gorgeous though.

I'm Calling this Dog Number 2...

I asked about the name of this breed but I don't remember what it was. I think it's a very interesting dog, some famous photographer (don't remember the name of him either) took a lot of pictures of his dogs wearing clothes and placed in situations where they looked almost human. Very interesting pictures and not at all as blurry as this one...

The Naked Little Fellow

I just thought he looked kinda cute. In a funny looking way.

Turning Torso

Drove past the Turning Torso on our way to Österlen.


Took this one from the car, outside of Ystad on our way to Hammenshög Inn. Spook-ey.

Hammenshögs Inn

My boyfriend sitting at our table at Hammenshög Inn. Amazing old place from the 1660's or something. Rumor says it even has a ghost roaming the halls. We went there to celebrate the traditional Swedish Mårten Gås (gås=goose). It's really a tradition that is held during this time of year only in the southern parts of Sweden. I believe that it is French in origin.

Black Soup

The Goose fest starts off with Black Soup (Svartsoppa), though I don't know if that is the correct translation for it. The main ingredience of this soup is blood, which is why I always go with the additional Lobster Soup which according to my boyfriend is wrong wrong wrong. He likes the bloody soup (pun intended). After the soup you have your goose with potatoe, gravey, apple sauce etc and to desert a Skånsk (which is what we call of the south of Sweden) apple pie.


I just had to take a picture of this cup. I generally don't like these types of coffee cups but I thought this one was very pretty.

Inside the Inn

This one and the following pictures will need no further explination. It's pictures taken from inside the Inn. Just to show that feeling of ancient Swedish interior design.


Loving the Wallpaper

torsdag, november 09, 2006


I think that you appreciate that there are extraordinary men and women and extraordinary moments in time when history leaps forward on the backs of these individuals. That what can be imagined can be achieved. That you must dare to dream but that there's no substitute for perseverance and hard work. And teamwork. Because no one gets there alone. And that, while we commemorate the... the greatness of these events and the individuals who achieve them, we cannot forget the sacrifice of those who make these achievements and leaps possible. / "Max"

I used to carry this around in my organizer. I thought it was inspirational. Because you always think of yourself as someone part of it all. You don't want to be one of those people who just made the sacrifice but didn't get to see the results. Which basically means that when push comes to shove you don't really want to be the hero.

I find that... disturbing. I wouldn't want to say that it hypocritical because to me that indicates a person who is aware of doing wrong, or doing something for the wrong reason, passing it on as something righteous. And in any case, it has to do with faith. You have to believe in the cause enough to justify what you are giving up and how many passionate people are really willing to do that these days? No matter how loud some people scream about something, most people have a limit.

This has not been a wake up call. I wasn't put in a situation where I had to test my limits or anything. It's more of a slow process that forces me to evaluate myself in a different light so I won't turn into a hypocrate.

It is true what they say, ignorance is bliss...

fredag, november 03, 2006

How Do I Look

My first almost tipsy post....

"You look wonderful honey."

And I just know that he wants me to decide on an outfit already.

Life is hard sometimes.

torsdag, november 02, 2006

Alla talar svenska...

Ok, so this entry will be in Swedish since some of these comments are difficult to translate with the desired effect. It’s from a Swedish site that lists stupid commetns from people calling in or visiting the movie theater.

= Personal talar.
- Kund talar.

- Åh, Ravenous, den är skitfräck! Den handlar om att man blir vad man äter, typ! [Och om vampyrer]

- Är han lång som kommer sitta framför mig?

- När slutar filmen?
= Vilken film?
- Den som började förut. [Jaså DEN.]

- Jag vill ha en stor Pommes Frites.
= Visst (ställer fram en stor popcorn).
- NEJ! Inte popcorn, baconsnacks!

- Hej, jag skulle vilja ha en biljett till Exhibitor of the Year [Exhibitor of the Year är en utmärkelse som biografen hade fått. Vi hade ett par affischer med en massa fyrverkerier och texten Exhibitor of the Year på…]

- Jag vill boka biljetter till American X-Files.
= OK… Du menar American History X, eller?
- Ja, just det. American Express.

- Jag vill beställa biljetter till Kåt å ugly [Coyote Ugly].

- Du, jag ska gå på den där filmen om den där Einstein… ja, den där gamle gubben som blev kär. [Shakespeare in Love]

- Kommer det sitta nåt stort huvud framför mig då? [Det hoppas jag VERKLIGEN inte!]

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