söndag, juni 25, 2006

More Pictures

Probably the prettiest girl in the world.

lördag, juni 24, 2006

Catching the Strawberry Thief

Sometimes, when no one is looking and things are in the right level, life is just great!

We spent Midsummer this year with my sister, her boyfriend and the lovely little Miss Lova (above) just like last year. It’s in the middle of nowhere, or it feels as if it is in the middle of nowhere which it is not of course. A lot of nice houses, a lot of trees and mosquitos and at Midsummer an open medow with a temporary wooden dance floor and a DJ. This is where all the people, young as old, end up when they’ve run out of herring, strawberries and schnapps. It doesn’t get more Swedish than this.

Last year I got to see my boyfriend dance to the lowest form of music, a very popular genre with the older generation, especially around Midsummer. Since it is not really his scene it went fairly and considering the fact the dance floor is in fact moving up and down from everyone “dancing” around on top of it, it doesn’t really matter. You can stand still and look like you’re shaking it all like that! Though this year Marika, a friend of my sister’s, tried to teach him how to dance “kasedans”, which is the custom in these settings. He then wanted to show his new moves when the next appropriate song came, in this case In a Small Fisherman’s Harbour (I en liten fiskehamn), a smooth transendance from the previous song Lordis Hardrock Hallelulja. I doubt that we got the moves right judging from the professionals around us. Maybe next year we’ll show them.

måndag, juni 12, 2006


My boyfriend sits with his headphones on, editing his documentary. He pretends that he doesn't hear what I say when I talk to him but I know he does. I just have to say something interesting enough and his curiousity exposes him. Mostly I humor him though and communicate through the msn which is even more annoying I'm sure.

"I'm bored" I write to him which he at this point feels is my own problem.

Every now and then he wants my oppinion of course. Not in the sense of a muse but rather a 'partner in crime'. Still, he mostly just sits there, poking around in the timeline, going over the sequences as if there was no tomorrow.

And I am bored. So incredibly bored.

torsdag, juni 01, 2006

Cracks Me Up

"The ants are my friends
they're blowing in the wind.
The ants are blowing in the wind...."

What I can't understand is how the person singing this could connect this line of thought with the previous lyrics of this song.